姜启晟下意识揉了下眼睛,咽了咽口水,像是想要求证一下眼前的人是和刚才把田家小姐打的毫无还手之力的苏明珠是同一个人一样,姜启晟看向了苏博远,却发现苏博远神色没有丝毫的变化。 她看了肖战顾潇潇等人一眼,接到胡伟的指示才继续说道:我们大家都知道,凶手应该是同一个人,那么杀人手法应该也不会有太大的出入,前五次的尸检报告,都显示死者胸前的伤口,是烈性动物所伤。 苏明珠这才起身,往凉亭外面走去,她没有再回头去看老夫人,老夫人也没有再去看苏明珠,就好像真的只是陌生人一样。 Sorry but despite the fact that the 1931 version of this novel was the only western film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture it does not compare to the entertainment value of this version. True this is perhaps not the best adaptation of Ms. Ferber's novel, but then how many films are perfect adaptations of their source material. There are wonderful scenes missing from this adaptation, but then there are wonderful scenes missing from the adaptation of GWTW. No, I am not comparing this to a classic like GWTW. But the '31 version is not in the same class as GWTW either. This film should be taken for what it actually is, a good solid epic entertainment with spectacular scenes and good performances. Glenn Ford is perfect casting for Yancy. His performance is far superior to that of the overripe, stilted scenery chewing one delivered by Richard Dix in the original. Ford's boyish manner easily captures the charming immature nature of the character. Maria Schell is on a par with Irene Dunne. It is a pity her character was rewritten from the novel to be weaker than Ferber intended. This was obviously done to make the film Ford's but she's still gives a performance that is on the money. As so do the myriad supporting players in the film. Back in 1960, MGM obviously needed a big movie to move into the theaters that had been playing"Ben-Hur" for over a year. So this production was rushed to completion to fit the bill. The fact that it was shot in Cinemascope instead of a"Big" 70 mm process is evidence of this. It has been written that the production was shut down before the scripted ending could be filmed. This explains the rather abrupt and somewhat awkward end to the film. Perhaps a regular non"Roadshow" release might have fared better both with the critics and at the box-office. It often seems that those who praise the older version over this film have seldom actually seen the former. For many years the 1931 version was not available for viewing. During that period many film historians gushed in their praise of it. When it finally reappeared on screens most of them found it very creaky and revised their opinions but the older opinions are still in print, available and read. True, they didn't change their opinion of this version, but the older fell into proper perspective...Cinema History and rather dry history at that. While this version is not a classic it remains good entertainment. Compare it to"How The West Was Won" made by the same studio just a few years later. 千星顿了顿,有些不知道该怎么向她解释,互不相欠是霍靳北亲口说出来的。 如此想着聂远乔的心情好了不少,一下子就又了食欲。 对于在这方面赢了她,顾潇潇还真没什么好得意的。 两个人没有打招呼,顾倾尔径直走向自己来时的包间,而穆暮则推门走进了卫生间。 铁玄,你这么看着我做什么?张秀娥觉得铁玄虽然是看着自己的,但是却好像是通过自己看另外一个人一样,轻咳了一声提醒道。