根據羊恕小說改編的鄉土寫實作品,主要描寫卓勝利與庹宗華的兩代流氓父子情,旁及地方上的民意代表選舉政治批判,是導演葉鴻偉頗具創作野心之作。劇情描述阿旺年輕時耍流氓,其子阿輝耳濡目染,也在學校結党打加強。阿旺知悉此事到學校理論,展露流氓作風,令阿輝羞憤不已。阿旺向結拜大哥老鼠川借錢開店,老鼠川趁機阻止阿輝跟他女兒秋虹交往,因為他要把秋虹介紹給楊委員的兒子,謀求政治利益。阿輝情急之下傷了楊的兒子。阿旺羞怒下跑進學校畢業典禮會場教訓兒子,但後來他又為救兒子而被刺死。十餘年後阿輝也當選了民意代表。全片捕捉地方色彩相当成功,卓胜利也演出精彩。 眼里那股不服输的劲儿,周身压人的气场,都像极了孟行舟。 嗯。乔唯一说,没想到再见面,就要麻烦您 慕浅却忽然凑近了他一些,近乎挑衅地开口:可是为什么你看起来好像并没有轻松呢? 傅城予说:那是你没见着平常的时候,在学校里就三天两头地闹别扭,一闹别扭啊,容大少的脸就像现在这样,黑得能滴出水来。 苏明珠打了个哈欠,她今天起的太早了,拍了拍床说道:快点,想睡觉了。 Colt 38 special squad is a rare breed in the poliziotteschi genre. Excellent shot and filled with great casting, cinematographer/director Massimo Dallamano really comes trough on this one. Known for his outstanding camera precision on the Sergio Leone trilogy Colt 38 grapes you all the way. Of course there are a lot good examples for movies in those Italian cop/crime films.Like Milano Calibre 9 or The big racket. But Colt 38 special squad belongs among those films. Rather than just focusing on the usual violence this one delivers also a other angle, those of the mental-pain and struggle. Like a real pro Massimo let's you get involved in those characters and start to care form them. With all well paced storytelling we follow French crime lord Ivan Rassimov as the Dark angel in his mad rage against the city and his cops. Expeccialy against Marcel Bozzuffi as hard boiled Capitan Vanni. An old beef is going on between the two of them. Personal as can be, Vanni and his special crew of cops now not only arresting the locals bastards but are also mix up in the personal vendetta between Vanni and the crew of Dark Angel. The result is well packed storytelling with some brutal, but subtle action. Colt 38 is a well crafted movie with memorable scenes. Think in the line of city bombing and care chases. Rassimov is one's of the most cool killers. But really, Vanni is stealing the show in my opine that is. Of course also in real life those guys competing. Both are die hard actors. Dirty rotten by all those amazing scripts in there carrier. Kinda like De Niro and Pacino in Heat. Do not make the mistake of thinking less about this movie in budget ways. It's great cinema and a prime example of Polliziotesschi madness. Not to be missed 桜田通や栗原吾郎ら若手俳優5人がバンド結成、音楽映画「EVEN~君に贈る歌~」 场内再度响起雷鸣般的掌声,所有人等待的时刻,慕浅却只是抬眸看着霍靳西,我可不确定自己还会不会跳。