An ex-couple in a café, a girl sucking on her girlfriend's hair, a running woman, a fleeing town, a little girl walking along the river. In this world, there are as many forms of love as there are people. 李子然是著名化妆品公司的销售经理,因为她的额头上有着许多多年消不掉的痘痘,她和总经理赵廷互有好感,就在两人关系即将进一步升温时,李子然在回家的路上创业者徐洋哮喘犯了并帮助了他,徐洋便深深的爱上了李子然,每天都去主动去找李子然。李子然准备和赵廷确定关系时,被闺蜜下毒手险些毁容,后发现闺蜜与赵廷关系暧昧,每日自暴自弃,徐洋每日陪在她身边,李子然被徐洋感动,决定重新开始。 Jeougcheol is a construction worker and there are his mentally ill sister and Jinyeong, a girl who has a crush on him. He tries to fix his collapsed h... A genius musician lives a lonely life in a surreal, floating world. He plays the piano every day in a gigantic concert hall, but there is nobody to listen. One day his animated world … 我?宋嘉兮反手指了指自己:给我买什么礼物? 等到她洗完澡吹干头发走出来,手机上多了一条消息,来自于霍祁然—— 张秀娥听到这脸色一黑,她刚刚是不是搬起石头砸自己的脚了?是不是?! 不管你是真的不在意,还是假的不在意。傅城予说,这件事,在我这儿过不去。 自然,张秀娥也就是那么想想,毕竟古代这个大环境在这呢,她也不可能真的等到张春桃二十岁的时候,再给张春桃定亲。