L'Amour is the story of an elderly couple who have lived through pain and agony. Of their three sons, one committed suicide, one immigrated, and one ran away from home. The husband was once a two-star general with a promising future, but his decision not to join a coup d' tat would eventually lead to his dishonorable discharge and the loss of his pension. As the two grow older, they find an increasing sense of warmth and security in each other's presence. When one of their sons goes bankrupt, however, their house which they mortgaged to support him is take by the bank. With no social safety net to catch them, the two are forced to separate: the husband goes to a men's senior home while the wife ends up in a woman's home on the other side of the city. This painful separation forces the couple to find new means of communication, whether through letters or meeting in public parks. As month pass, the approaching winter promises harsh times ahead. 看她起色也比之前好很多,不再是那种风一吹就要倒,每天眼眶乌青嘴唇没血色的状态,孟家上下和迟砚才算是放了一点心。 叶惜听了,忍不住嘀咕:你要是真为了霍老爷子就好了。 跟随作家丹·巴特纳环游世界,探索五大奇特社区,那里的人们不仅健康长寿,而且过着充满活力的生活。 顾潇潇看着趴在她身上的小丫头,唇角的笑意染上了温度。 可是他还能怎么回答?她都已经说了她不开心,他还能有什么别的答案 一对酒鬼夫妻,尝试一切办法过上常人的生活,结局令人心碎…… 今天全体拿到优秀,再没有比这件事更让人高兴的了。 就比如他,他的心中有点什么小九九,主子保准一眼就能看出来!