Jai"Jackky Bhagnani", born and brought up with middle-class values, has a 'take it easy' approach to life. Since he doesn't believe in a herd mentality, he and his two best friends, Raunak"Pratik Gandhi" and Deepu"Shivam Parekh" start looking for unique ways to make it big in the world. During this trial and error phase, Jai realizes his dream. But his decision of choosing an unprofitable career path doesn't go down too well with his father"Neeraj Sood", who has bigger aspirations for him. Therefore, in order to bring stability to his life, his father decides to get him married. Destiny, however, has something else in store for Jai, when he accidentally meets Avni"Kritika Kamra", an ambitious, MBA graduate, who wants to start her own business. Set in the backdrop of the Gujarati milieu, the film traces Jai and Avni's personal journey, as they both find themselves and discover the true meaning of friendship in the bargain '세이레'는 아기가 태어난 뒤 부정타는 것을 막기 위해 21일간 타인의 출입을 금하는 한국 민속 신앙 삼칠일(세이레)을 소재로 한 불길하고도 환상적인 미스터리 공포물이다. 为富家女田思思(米雪)娇生惯养,刁蛮成性,喜武功,其父每斥资请武林高手与其交手,佯作打败,田自感武功高强,其侍婢(林秀君)每日讲述武林故事,谈及高手秦歌(陈观泰)潇洒风流,万夫莫敌,田为之心慕神往,忽闻其父将其许配与一名杨凡(元德)者,心有不甘,乃与婢女扮男装,夤夜出走,寻访秦歌…… 顾潇潇猛地回过头,看见撒宁罗拎着顾长生的衣领,站在天台边的高台上。 梨花哪里会不明白林氏的想法?她垂眸看着地面,为自己的未来深感忧虑。 闻言,顾潇潇像接受了一个重大的责任,抬头,挺胸,提臀,收腹,气吞山河的吼出来:因为我们会生出瞧不起我们的男人,活该被瞧不起,简直该死,活着都蒙羞! 也許我們都像窗台那盆多肉植物一樣,渴望著陽光。 现在所有人都站起来了,唯独她一个人还趴在地上。 不过因为他跟顾潇潇总是表现的很亲近,所以程梦只除了刚开始第一眼见到的时候多了分心思,过后就没在意了。